We're only three days from my due date, and I'm officially on maternity leave. I've been trying to relax and soak up as much quiet, down time as I can, knowing she could arrive any day now. It kind of feels like the calm before the storm. I know our lives are going to change so much once she's here, but we're so excited for this next chapter of our lives. We can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like. Over the past few months, we've focused on getting the house situated, preparing for ... read more
Homemade Granola

Hello from quarantine. What a crazy time we're living in right now. My biggest weekly adventures are walking over to Cafe Besalu to pick up pastries and taking Toaster for evening walks (or sniff outings). I know everyone is eager to get back to their normal life. I am too. But I'm more than content staying home because I know it's the right thing to do right now. And I'm very fortunate to have a job that makes it possible to work remotely. After 11 weeks of working from home, I finally came to ... read more
Freezer Fruit Cups for your Morning Routine

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from my good friend Kellie Schoppe. Thanks Kellie for sharing this helpful morning routine tip with us! This recipe may be timely as you are making preparations to hunker down at home. It's a great way to freeze any fruit that may be near expiration and allow you to re-purpose it for your morning meal routine. There are lots of recipes dedicated to the best way to freeze fruit. Most include peeling, cutting the fruit, drying the fruit, then laying the fruit ... read more
Zucchini & Corn Flatbread

Hello again! I know I'm a few months late, but I hope everyone had a nice Holiday season. And despite all of the crazy things happening around the world right now, I hope you all have been able to stay positive and stay healthy. To give you a quick recap of the past few months, Evan and I stayed in Seattle over Thanksgiving and enjoyed a nice visit from Evan's mom. We explored a lot of great restaurants in Ballard, ventured to Leavenworth for a day trip, watched a couple of great movies, and ... read more
Thanksgiving Day Menu

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I've been working on my menu and figuring out what delicious recipes I plan to prepare for our meal. This year Evan's mom is coming to Seattle and will be joining us for Thanksgiving. Since it'll just be the three of us and I won't be cooking for a houseful of friends, I decided to scale back a bit so we don't have an insane amount of leftovers. I still, however, plan on making a turkey, my favorite stuffing, and a pumpkin pie since it's Evan's ... read more
Pumpkin Bread

Hello again! You've probably noticed it's been pretty quiet around here lately. I know I've said this before, but whenever my life gets a little busier than usual, a lot of my hobbies tend to take a backseat to whatever else I'm doing. It wasn't my intention to take this long of a break from cooking and writing, but that's what happened. So here we are, just about a year later. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and my favorite time of the year is just around the corner. I'm working on my ... read more
Chicken Shawarma Inspired Hummus Bowl

Editor's Note: This is a guest post from Kellie Schoppe, a good friend of mine from Minnesota. Thanks Kellie for sharing this weeknight friendly recipe with us! For the majority of 2018 I had to maintain a strict gluten-free and dairy-free diet. While the food restrictions were temporary, it sure challenged my cooking and baking skills. I found previewing menus prior to going out to eat to be a chore. In search of adding variety to my restricted meal plan, I discovered a fast-casual ... read more