We’re only three days from my due date, and I’m officially on maternity leave. I’ve been trying to relax and soak up as much quiet, down time as I can, knowing she could arrive any day now. It kind of feels like the calm before the storm. I know our lives are going to change so much once she’s here, but we’re so excited for this next chapter of our lives. We can’t wait to meet her and see what she looks like.
Over the past few months, we’ve focused on getting the house situated, preparing for her arrival. We went through closets and storage and got rid of a bunch of stuff, making room for the inevitable large amounts of baby gear we’ve already started accumulating. We turned our garage into a workout room and storage space, moved Evan’s office downstairs to our spare room, and finally set up the nursery upstairs. We have all the essentials and more. Our hospital bags are packed, the car seat is installed in our car, I have a few meals prepped in the freezer, I think we’re ready.
Yesterday, Evan and I were walking with Toaster to pick up our fruit CSA and I asked him if he thought we’d be pushing a stroller next week to grab the fruit box. We both kind of think she won’t arrive on time, but I guess we’ll see!
In case you’re interested, the CSA we signed up for earlier this summer is with Collins Family Orchards. Every week we get a small box of fresh fruit; a large majority of the box is peaches, but we’ve also been seeing apricots, pluots, apples, and cherries. I’d highly recommend checking it out. We’ve been loving it, well especially me because fruit is one of the only real pregnancy cravings I’ve had. Ok, that and oreo milkshakes. 🙂
Fresh Fruit Bowls
Since we’ve had a surplus of fresh fruit this summer, we’ve been making a lot of fruit bowls for breakfast. They are super easy to prepare and the best part is you can use whatever fresh fruit you have on hand!

To make the fruit bowls, all you need is granola, fresh fruit, milk, a little honey, and a dash of cinnamon.
First, cut up the fruit into bite-sized pieces. My go-to fruit combination has been a medium sized peach, a small donut peach, apricot, or pluot, a small handful of strawberries, and a small handful of blueberries. Earlier on in the summer, we were also getting fresh cherries in our CSA so I added some of those as well.
Pour about 1/2 cup of granola into a wide, shallow bowl. Top with the fresh fruit, then add in enough milk for serving. Drizzle a little honey on top and finish with a dash of cinnamon. I prefer to eat the fruit bowl cold, but you can also heat it up for about one minute in the microwave before enjoying.
I hope everyone enjoys the last little bit of summer we have and hopefully next time you hear from me we’ll have some baby news to share!
Fresh Fruit Bowls
Course: BreakfastDifficulty: Easy1
Assortment of fresh fruit: peaches, plums, apricots, pluots, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, or whatever you have on hand
1/2 cup granola
1/2 cup milk (or more/less depending on preference)
1 tsp honey
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
- Cut up fruit into bite-sized pieces. Use whatever fruit you have on hand. I aim for about 1 medium peach, 1 small apricot, pluot, or donut peach, and a small handful of strawberries and blueberries or raspberries.
- Place granola into wide, shallow bowl.
- Top with fresh fruit and milk.
- Drizzle honey on top and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.
- Enjoy immediately.